In Yemen, women and girls face multiple obstacles that hinder progress toward gender equality and limit their economic participation. The ongoing conflict has devastated the lives, health, and economic...
This paper contributes to an important agenda by studying how female participation in household decision making has been affected by the ongoing civil conflict in the Republic of Yemen in areas under the...
This report highlights respondents’ lived experiences during Yemen’s conflict as experts of their own experiences. This report aims to present the voices of Yemenis who have now spent eight years living...
This report highlights respondents’ lived experiences during Yemen’s conflict as experts of their own experiences. This report aims to present the voices of Yemenis who have now spent eight years living...
Internet surveys may never replace in-person surveys as a gold standard, but they remain important tools for rapid, remote, and low-cost data collection. The West Bank and Gaza Poverty and Equity team...
The World Bank carried out a second phone survey to monitor food insecurity and vulnerability in Yemen. The survey, implemented between January and March 2023, aims to provide an update on the welfare...
Although much of the world might not be paying close attention, Yemen has almost reached eight years of conflict. It is difficult to overstate how much has changed for Yemeni households over the past eight...
This report highlights the lived experience of Yemeni households when it comes to livelihoods and food insecurity. As Yemen has been grappling with multiple crises and the repercussions of Russia’s invasion...
As of March 2021, the West Bank and Gaza have seen 243,479 COVID cases and 2,590 deaths, which have been concentrated in two waves, the first took place in summer 2020, and the second, more significant...
The key objective of the Early Learning Systems Research is to provide evidence that can help guide the MoE and its partners to formulate, test, and scale strategies and interventions to improve the quality...
The World Bank launched the Rapid Web based Survey on the Impact of the Conflict (RWSIC) on June 9, 2021, covering key topics such as access to basic services, labor outcomes, mental health, and coping...
The World Bank launched the Rapid Web based Survey on the Impact of the Conflict (RWSIC) on June 9, 2021, covering key topics such as access to basic services, labor outcomes, mental health, and coping...