Gender-based Violence (GBV) is the most egregious manifestation of gender inequality and an alarming global public health, human rights and development challenge. It is most often perpetrated against women...
La Violencia de Género (VG) es la manifestación más grave de la desigualdad de género y constituye un reto alarmante en materia de salud pública, derechos humanos y desarrollo a nivel mundial. La mayoría...
Disasters triggered by climate and other natural hazards are increasing in frequency, severity, and duration worldwide. Disasters, whether from natural hazards or man-made, cost lives and livelihoods...
Gender-based violence (GBV) represents a critical barrier to development globally. As the most extreme manifestation of gender inequality and the most prevalent form of violence worldwide, its impacts...
Violence against women (VAW) prevents their full participation in society, limits their access to education and economic participation, and hinders efforts to achieve gender equality overall. Thus, VAW...
This brief summarizes some of the main findings produced by research conducted as part of a major World Bank research program supported by UKAID, the Gender Dimensions of Forced Displacement (GDFD). GDFD...
Child marriage has lasting negative health, human capital, and welfare consequences. Conflict settings are characterized by a number of complex changes that can potentially increase the risk of child marriage...
Women and girls play a key role in agriculture and food systems. Globally, women and girls play an important role in the agricultural labor force across the globe. In addition, women tend to have a predominant...
Over 80 million people, one percent of the globe’s population, have been forcibly displaced, the highest level on record (UNHCR 2020a). Displaced women fare worse on multiple fronts, as shown by the Women...
In 2020, the United Nations reported the highest number of displaced persons ever recorded; more than half of this population was comprised of women and girls. Displacement and conflict substantially heighten...
Rates of intimate partner violence vary widely across regions. Evidence suggests that some of this variation can be attributed to exposure to armed conflict. This study exploits variation in the timing...
Forced displacement – both within and across borders -- is frequently associated with several shifts that would be expected to affect multiple dimensions of poverty, access to services, child outcomes...
At the end of 2019, the number of forcibly displaced persons reached an unprecedented level as UNHCR reported 26.0 million refugees and 45.7 million IDPS. Forcibly Displaced Persons (FDPs) are "those who...
The unprecedented economic and public health shocks of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic are bringing with them wide-ranging social consequences, including an increasingly documented upsurge in violence against...
Intimate partner violence is the most common form of violence against women in conflict and non-conflict settings, but in conflict settings it often receives less attention than other forms of gender-based...
The purpose of this brief is to highlight entry points that offer actionable guidance to development practitioners on how to integrate prevention of and response to violence against women and girls (VAWG)...
This review focuses on women and girls who have been forcibly displaced. Gender inequality is not left behind when women and girls are forced to flee their homes. In situations of displacement, women and...
Data collected for refugee registration and to target humanitarian assistance include information about household composition and demographics that can be used to identify gender-based vulnerabilities...
This review focuses specifically on Intimate partner violence (IPV) against women, as opposed to Violence against women and girls (VAWG) more broadly, for several reasons. Partner violence is the most...
This brief address older age as a risk factor for gender-motivated violence by providing attention to women survivors aged 50 and older, looking at this specific age group due to the paucity of global...