The Philippines was among the most infected countries in East Asia at the onset of the COVID-19 outbreak. This study analyzes how international trade on various margins was affected by the country’s own...
Central America comprises a diverse set of countries, including two high-middle-income countries (Costa Rica and Panama), two of the poorest countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (Honduras and Nicaragua)...
As the smallest economy in Central America, Nicaragua has undergone a structural transformation that has enabled the country to grow at a high pace since the mid-1990s. The objective of this study is to...
Central America comprises a diverse set of countries, including two high-middle-income countries (Costa Rica and Panama), two of the poorest countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (Honduras and Nicaragua)...
Despite advances in the growth reform agenda in the last decade, Honduras remains the second-poorest country in Central America, with one of the lowest growth rates in income per capita. The objective...
Madagascar is characterized by an expanding economy and a peaceful transition of power, providing a solid basis for achieving a more productive, inclusive and sustainable growth trajectory. With its Plan...
As a small economy, Kazakhstan’s growth and development prospects crucially depend on its increasing participation in international trade. Kazakhstan is dependent on hydrocarbon and other mineral exports...
This paper provides a forward-looking view of trade and its relevance for Lesotho’s medium- and long-term development. It does this through computable general equilibrium analysis of potential impacts...
The Tanzania Diagnostic Trade Integration Study (DTIS) 2017 identifies priority actions in support of the country's strategy to deliver broad-based growth through trade integration. The study seeks to...
Romania's openness to trade—measured as the share of imports and exports in GDP—significantly increased over the last two decades. The ratio of trade openness increased from 60.4 percent to 83.7 percent...
This report provides a multifaceted diagnostic overview of Lesotho's export competitiveness, including an analysis of the macroeconomic environment in which exporters and importers operate in Lesotho;...
The Dominican Republic is often considered an example of the successful implementation of Special Economic Zones (henceforth SEZs) in the Western hemisphere. The zones fueled economic growth during the...
Suriname is a small economy driven by its abundant natural resources. As the commodity boom ended in recent years, however, the economy began to contract, reflecting Suriname’s dependence on the extractives...
Suriname is a small economy driven by its abundant natural resources. As the commodity boom ended in recent years, however, the economy began to contract, reflecting Suriname’s dependence on the extractives...
The Dominican Republic is often considered an example of the successful implementation of Special Economic Zones (henceforth SEZs) in the Western hemisphere. The zones fueled economic growth during the...
The rise of global value chains (GVCs) is one of the most important transformation in global trade and investment occurred in the last decades. Once concentrated among a few large economies, global flows...
In the last decades, slow growth and job creation have encouraged emigration, further dampening domestic sources of growth in Nepal. Tepid growth over the past decade, the slowest in the region, has resulted...
The envisioned economic transformation requires a shift from a remittance-fueled growth model to one fueled by productivity and investment. Integration into the global marketplace is a powerful vehicle...