Weak execution of the capital expenditure budget in recent years highlights the ongoing challenges in both the regulatory framework and institutions of public financial management in Indonesia. This raises...
Indonesia is the world’s largest archipelago and fourth most populous nation, tenth-largest economy in purchasing power parity terms. It is one of the most socially, economically and culturally diverse...
The purpose of this report is to support the Government of Indonesia’s efforts to improve its use of evidence on performance in the budget process. Use of the proposed procedures and thematic program performance...
The objective of the Public Financial Management and Revenue Administration Reform Program Project for Indonesia is to improve the capacity of the Ministry of Finance to undertake more efficient, timely...
This document contains the answers to the self-evaluation questionnaire of Honduras for the Review Mechanism in the implementation of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC). To facilitate...
This report - the first phase of a programmatic Iraq country economic memorandum (CEM) is structured around the themes of revenue management and economic diversification. These themes accord with the economic...