Mangroves provide essential ecosystem functions and services that support coastal communities. Despite their importance, they have been degraded and removed globally resulting in loss of resilience of...
To address woodfuel issues and develop policies that incorporate woodfuels in a modern, sustainable energy mix, policy-makers therefore need nuanced, landscape-specific assessments of the contribution...
Forestry has traditionally been one of Myanmar’s most important economic sectors, generating more in export earnings in the period 2010-2018. It is estimated that the country will have lost 12 million...
Myanmar's forest and timber sector has been central to the country's economy and society, particularly over the last century. Myanmar's forests contain some of the most valued species in the world—particularly...
Myanmar's forest and timber sector has been central to the country's economy and society, particularly over the last century. Myanmar's forests contain some of the most valued species in the world—particularly...