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  • Egypt - Mortgage Finance Project (anglais)

    The Egypt Mortgage Finance Project enables banks and non-bank lenders in the primary market to begin offering long-term market-based mortgage loans for residential housing. The Egyptian Company for Mortgage...

    Type de document: Document d’évaluation du projet Numéro du rapport: 36379 Date du document: 5 juin 2006 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Azevedo,Luiz Gabriel,Baltar,Alexandre Moreira,Gambrill,Martin P.,Mejia,Abel,Triche,Thelma A.

  • Impactos e externalidades sociais da irrigacao no semi-arido Brasileiro (portugais)

    This edition of Agua Series Brazil discusses social impacts and externalities of irrigation in semi-arid Brazil. In the context of the debates on the future role of the Government in the development of...

    Type de document: Publication Numéro du rapport: 41607 Date du document: 1 juin 2004 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Valdes,Alberto,Wagner,Elmar,Marzall,Ivo,Simas,Jose,Morelli,Juan Bautista,Pereira, Lilian Plena,Azevedo,Luiz Gabriel

  • Water, poverty reduction and sustainable development (anglais)

    The report - the fourth in a series - consolidates the work developed in the last eighteen months by the Bank's water resources and sanitation team, and discusses some of the impending challenges within...

    Type de document: Publication Numéro du rapport: 26379 Date du document: 1 juin 2003 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Azevedo,Luiz Gabriel,Baltar,Alexandre Moreira,Gambrill,Martin P.,Mejia,Abel,Triche,Thelma A.

  • Sistemas de suporte a decisao para a outorga de direitos de uso de agua no Brasil (portugais)

    There is an increasing consensus in Brazil on the importance of water use rights, as an instrument critical to the adequate implementation of the National Policy on Water Resources. International experience...

    Type de document: Publication Numéro du rapport: 26370 Date du document: 30 avril 2003 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Azevedo,Luiz Gabriel,Baltar,Alexandre Moreira,Porto,Rubem La Laina,Rego,Manuel Felipe

  • Management of water resources : bulk water pricing in Brazil (anglais)

    This document compares analytical work done on Brazil with the experience of bulk water pricing in other countries to arrive at practical recommendations for determining fair bulk water pricing in Brazil...

    Type de document: Publication Numéro du rapport: WTP432 Date du document: 30 juin 1999 Mode de publication: Auteur: Asad,Musa S. C.,Azevedo,Luiz Gabriel,Kemper, Karin E.,Simpson,Larry D.