Irregular migration from Africa to Europe attracts substantial policy attention. Although international migration can enable people from developing countries to dramatically increase their incomes, the...
Irregular migration from West Africa to Europe across the Sahara and Mediterranean is extremely risky for migrants and a key policy concern. A cluster-randomized experiment with 3,641 young men from 391...
The report describes the patterns of migration and remittances; and social assistance programs during the COVID-19 pandemic and examines its role in cushioning the effects of the pandemic on household...
This report describes the extent to which the pandemic has affected various aspects of household welfare and examines the effect of government response in mitigating such effects. The status of household’s...
The study is divided into three parts: part one, the study introduction, comprises the results of a desk review of the country context and women’s economic situation. Study of the country context includes...
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in border closures in many countries and a sharp reduction in overall international mobility. However, this disruption of legal pathways to migration has raised concerns...