Shifting consumer demand and accelerating climate change will further shape the agri-food sector in Croatia in the next decade. Consumers in high value markets in the EU and beyond are shifting their expenditures...
This document seeks to examine how the Great Recession affected labor markets in developing countries and how governments responded. The recession that began with the collapse of housing markets in the...
This report presents a framework - Skills Toward Employment and Productivity (STEP), that provides a simple yet comprehensive way to look at skills development. It brings together research evidence and...
This note briefly reviews the experiences with wage subsidies and reduced work schedules in promoting employment and avoiding the depreciation of accumulated skills and knowledge due to a temporary downturn...
Barriers to banking, by Asli Demirguc_Kunt. Finance and opportunity, by Ross Levine and Asli Demirguc_Kunt. Risk taking by banks in transition countries by Paul Wachtel and Rainer Haselmann. Foreign bank...
Barriers to banking, by Asli Demirguc_Kunt. Finance and opportunity, by Ross Levine and Asli Demirguc_Kunt. Risk taking by banks in transition countries by Paul Wachtel and Rainer Haselmann. Foreign bank...
This is the overview of the publication (See report 40532). This report focuses on the challenges that the region's aging countries will now face in having to deal with multiple transitions. It argues...
This report focuses on the challenges that the region's aging countries will now face in having to deal with multiple transitions. It argues that their task ahead, though uniquely daunting, is by no means...
After a decade of slow economic growth Egypt's rate of growth recovered in the late 1990s, averaging more than five percent a year. But the effect of this growth on poverty patterns has not been systematically...
The World Development Report (WDR) 2002 is about building market institutions that promote growth and reduce poverty, addressing how institutions support markets, what makes institutions work, and how...
This is the overview to the World Development Report (WDR) 2002. It is about building market institutions that promote growth and reduce poverty, addressing how institutions support markets, what makes...
The World Development Report (WDR) 2002 is about building market institutions that promote growth and reduce poverty, addressing how institutions support markets, what makes institutions work, and how...
Le Rapport sur le développement dans le monde (RDM) 2002 s’intéresse aux questions cruciales de développement ; ce travail est une continuation naturelle du RDM de 2000/01 qui examinait le rôle central...
The World Development Report (WDR) 2002 is about building market institutions that promote growth and reduce poverty, addressing how institutions support markets, what makes institutions work, and how...
This is the overview to the World Development Report (WDR) 2002. It is about building market institutions that promote growth and reduce poverty, addressing how institutions support markets, what makes...
The World Development Report (WDR) 2002 is about building market institutions that promote growth and reduce poverty, addressing how institutions support markets, what makes institutions work, and how...
The World Development Report (WDR) 2002 is about building market institutions that promote growth and reduce poverty, addressing how institutions support markets, what makes institutions work, and how...
The World Development Report (WDR) 2002 is about building market institutions that promote growth and reduce poverty, addressing how institutions support markets, what makes institutions work, and how...
This article uses cross-country data to examine the link between a country's type of political regime and its degree of openness and labor market distortion. The analysis indicates that more authoritarian...
Domestic labor market outcomes influence the direction and magnitude of the flow of international migration. When wages are low and jobs are scarce, workers tend to migrate to environments where jobs are...