The productive use of electricity in rural communities can contribute to significant socioeconomic development and increased welfare. The virtuous cycle of productive use of electricity assumes that early...
People desire electricity not for its own sake but for the wide-ranging services it provides from lighting, communication and entertainment, refrigeration, and cooking to space conditioning and business...
Provision of clean cooking for all is recognized as a critical cross-sectoral development issue. The potential societal benefits are enormous, particularly for public health, women’s productivity and empowerment...
India has led the developing world in addressing rural energy problems. By late 2012, the national electricity grid had reached 92 percent of India’s rural villages, about 880 million people. In more remote...
This brief summarizes the welfare impacts of rural electrification: evidence from Vietnam for the period 2000-2004. Access to electricity is a key to any development initiative and there is a growing body...
Sub-Saharan Africa trails other regions in providing access to electricity for poor urban and rural residents. This poor performance can be linked to various factors, including political interference in...
This paper applies an econometric analysis to estimate the average and distribution benefits of rural electrification using rich household survey data from India. The results support that rural electrification...
For people in developed countries, burning fuel wood in an open hearth evokes nostalgia and romance. But in developing countries, the harsh reality is that several billion people, mainly women and children...
The purpose of the current flagship report is to address energy access and related developmental issues in East Asia Pacific (EAP) that so far have received less attention compared to the macro energy...
The term energy access has various connotations to energy development specialists. For this review, we define energy access as relating both to physical proximity to energy infrastructure and to the policies...
Energy poverty is a frequently used term among energy specialists, but unfortunately the concept is rather loosely defined. Several existing approaches measure energy poverty by defining an energy poverty...
This study posits that in order to gain a better understanding of existing and potential users of electricity in rural areas of Peru, the National Survey on Energy Consumption Households in Rural Areas...
The survey provided data on rural household energy use and expenditures, use by rural households of electricity from the grid, and use by rural households of off-grid electricity. The survey also provided...
This paper states that Peru is a country of extreme diversity, both in geography and in the conditions of the socioeconomic characteristics of their citizens. This makes the achievement of the goals of...
This study posits that in order to gain a better understanding of existing and potential users of electricity in rural areas of Peru, the National Survey on Energy Consumption Households in Rural Areas...
Access to energy, especially modern sources, is a key to any development initiative. Based on cross-section data from a 2004 survey of some 2,300 households in rural Bangladesh, this paper studies the...
Bangladesh is one of the world's poorest countries. Nearly 80 percent of the nation's 140 million people reside in rural areas; of these, 20 percent live in extreme poverty. Geographically, many low-lying...
Access to electricity is crucial for economic development and there is a growing body of literature on the impact of rural electrification on development. However, most studies have so far relied on cross-sectional...
This study, the first to concentrate on Bangladesh's energy systems and their effects on the lives of rural people, drew on these background studies, as well as other World Bank-financed research on IAP...
Lack of access to electricity is one of the major impediments to growth and development of the rural economies in developing countries. That is why access to modern energy, in particular to electricity...