Sub-Saharan Africa is the world's fastest urbanizing region. This presents economic opportunities for the poor and vulnerable but also poses significant barriers to their economic inclusion. With an increasing...
The labor force in Benin is young, predominantly rural and working in the informal sector (81 percent of the population is self-employed). While unemployment is low (only 0.7 percent in the strict ILO...
This paper analyzes a four-arm randomized evaluation of a multi-faceted economic inclusion intervention delivered by the Government of Niger to female beneficiaries of a national cash transfer program...
This case study presents the experience of implementing a coherent set of productive inclusion measures through national SSN programs in four Sahel countries. It provides insights on the challenges and...
In the Sahel subregion, which extends over Central and Western Africa, low labor productivity poses a challenge to poverty reduction, economic growth, and social stability. Social Safety Net Projects target...