With an average rainfall of under 240 milli-meters a year, Pakistan is one of the world's most arid countries. The population and the economy are heavily dependent on an annual influx of water into the...
There are two great challenges to be faced in providing water and sanitation services to people in developing countries. The first challenge is to complete the "old agenda" of providing household services...
The United Nations (UN) millennium development goals and the consensus at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) have brought poverty reduction to the centre stage of the international development...
India faces a turbulent water future and the current water development and management system is not sustainable.Unless dramatic changes are made and made soon in the way in which government manages water...
Pakistan is one of the world's most arid countries, with an average rainfall of under 240 mm a year. The population and the economy are heavily dependent on an annual influx into the Indus river system...
This report builds on the consensus developed at the August 2002 Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development. It draws on the effort to achieve the Millennium Development Goals by 2015. And it...
This issue, which serves as the annual review on the environment, looks at the Bank's work from July 2002 through June 2003, dedicated this year to Water and the Environment, on the occasion of the Fifth...
FY2000 Strategic Forum to chart Bank's direction. Post-conflict reconstruction brainstorming. Netherlands pledges $14.5 million for environment. Safeguard policies compliance. NGOs call for forest policy...
In 1995 the government of Chile hosted a study tour consisting of professionals from the World Bank and from developing countries. This report draws together the observations of one participant and the...
Five years after Rio : the World Bank's environmental professionals take stock; by Andrew Steer. Persuasion and incentives : new ways to achieve a cleaner world; by Hanrahan, David. Solving the water crisis...
In order to provide its borrowers with high-quality services, the Bank gives priority to ensuring that its staff are familiar with the best water supply practices throughout the world. Staff conducted...
The water supply and sanitation sector faces two great challenges in developing countries. The first challenge is to complete the old agenda of providing household services. Although considerable progress...
The paper assesses the financing challenges which have to be met by developing countries to efficiently manage water resources, to improve the quality of the aquatic environment and to deliver water related...
This report argues that economic incentives and fiscal instruments are essential in achieving efficiency in the use of water resources. That is, better economic management of water will greatly assist...