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  • Counting People Exposed to, Vulnerable to, or at High Risk From Climate Shocks — A Methodology (anglais)

    Based on global datasets, 4.5 billion people were exposed to extreme weather events (flood, drought, cyclone, or heatwave) in 2019, an increase from 4 billion in 2010. Among exposed people in 2019, 2.3...

    Type de document: Document de travail de recherche sur les politiques Numéro du rapport: WPS10619 Date du document: 29 novembre 2023 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Doan,Miki Khanh,Hill,Ruth,Hallegatte,Stephane,Corral Rodas,Paul Andres,Brunckhorst,Ben James,Nguyen,Minh,Freije-Rodriguez,Samuel,Naikal,Esther G.

  • Climate and Equity: A Framework to Guide Policy Action (anglais)

    : Reducing the impact of climate change on poor and vulnerable households is essential to hastening poverty reduction. In thinking about policies that do this, it is useful to apply the same hazard, exposure...

    Type de document: Fiche Numéro du rapport: 183824 Date du document: 5 juillet 2023 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Brunckhorst,Ben James,Hill,Ruth,Mansuri,Ghazala,Nguyen,Trang Van,Miki Khanh Doan

  • Long COVID : The Evolution of Household Welfare in Developing Countries during the Pandemic (anglais)

    This paper examines the welfare impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, using harmonized data from 343 high-frequency phone surveys conducted in 80 economies during 2020 and 2021, representing more than 2.5...

    Type de document: Document de travail de recherche sur les politiques Numéro du rapport: WPS10300 Date du document: 7 février 2023 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Brunckhorst,Ben James,Cojocaru,Alexandru,Hill,Ruth,Kim,Yeon Soo,Kugler,Maurice David

  • Long COVID : The Evolution of Household Welfare in Developing Countries During the Pandemic (anglais)

    This paper examines the welfare impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, using harmonized data from 343 high frequency phone surveys (HFPS) conducted in 80 economies during 2020 and 2021, representing over 2.5...

    Type de document: Document de travail Numéro du rapport: 183192 Date du document: 1 janvier 2023 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Brunckhorst,Ben James,Cojocaru,Alexandru,Hill,Ruth,Kim,Yeon Soo,Kugler,Maurice David