This document presents a diagnostic assessment of Gambia’s transport sector in order to: (i) inform the government’s strategic planning of the sector; (ii) identify major investment gaps; (iii) identify...
For millennia, the Mediterranean has been one of the most active trading areas, supported by a transport network connecting riparian cities and beyond to their hinterland. The Mediterranean has complex...
A trade and transport corridor is a coordinated bundle of transport and logistics infrastructure and services that facilitates trade and transport flows between major centers of economic activity. Providing...
The importance of transport corridors for trade and development, including for some of the poorest countries in the world, is widely recognized in this book. A new consensus has also emerged that reducing...
Competition around the world is increasing dramatically with the growth in manufactured trade volumes and the multitude of suppliers of comparable products. Indonesia has long relied on trade for its growth...
The concept of affordability is widely used when discussing urban public transport fares in the presence of low incomes and poverty, but it is not universally accepted as being meaningful. Traveler reactions...
The analysis reported here was prompted by a realization that there was little reliable and consistent information on what proportion of household income is spent on urban public transport. The information...
This transport policy note examining the Russian transport system finds that it must focus more on overall coordination among different transport modes, and help reduce imbalances among regions. This will...
This transport policy note examining the Russian transport system finds that it must focus more on overall coordination among different transport modes, and help reduce imbalances among regions. This will...
This report is part of a strategy to promotes trade competitiveness within the East Asia and Pacific Region. It presents an overview of the logistics issues facing East Asia countries and proposes a development...
This report is part of a strategy to promotes trade competitiveness within the East Asia and Pacific Region. It presents an overview of the logistics issues facing East Asia countries and proposes a development...
This report is part of a strategy to promotes trade competitiveness within the East Asia and Pacific Region. It presents an overview of the logistics issues facing East Asia countries and proposes a development...
This report is part of a strategy to promotes trade competitiveness within the East Asia and Pacific Region. It presents an overview of the logistics issues facing East Asia countries and proposes a development...
This report is part of a strategy to promotes trade competitiveness within the East Asia and Pacific Region. It presents an overview of the logistics issues facing East Asia countries and proposes a development...
This report is part of a strategy to promotes trade competitiveness within the East Asia and Pacific Region. It presents an overview of the logistics issues facing East Asia countries and proposes a development...
There are five sections in this report. The first section analysis growth, poverty reduction, trade and logistics. The study indicates that a stimulus in economic growth tends to reduce poverty. Section...
Slovakia’s transport sector has not suffered from the dramatic reductions in demand and neglect of its infrastructure that have afflicted many of its neighbors. However, current under-maintenance is eating...