No Brasil, cerca de metade do esgoto coletado é descartado sem tratamento. Esta situação cria problemas sérios para a saúde e o meio ambiente. Para obter os benefícios dos sistemas formais de saneamento...
About half of Brazil’s wastewater goes untreated, a situation that creates significant health and environmental problems. To achieve the benefits of formal sanitation systems, households must connect to...
The Recife Metropolitan Region (RMR), located in the state of Pernambuco in Northeast Brazil, has 4.1 million inhabitants, of which 99% have access to water and 34% (SNIS, 2019) to sanitation. However...
A Região Metropolitana do Recife (RMR), no estado de Pernambuco, Nordeste do Brasil, possui 4,1 milhões de habitantes, dos quais 99% têm acesso à água, e 34% têm acesso a esgoto (SNIS, 2019). Porém, prejuízos...
Parental leave has been increasingly used as a family policy to facilitate balancing care and work responsibilities and promoting gender equality. However, fathers' parental leave participation is still...
Forests and terrestrial ecosystems play a primary environmental role in climate-change mitigation and adaptation. In many developing countries, forests provide ecosystem services and support the livelihoods...
This policy note provides evidence from World Bank field experiments that consider the social, psychological, and economic factors influencing taxpayer decision-making. Complementary studies from Costa...
Boosting shared prosperity also means including disadvantaged groups in the labor market. While many factors can hinder labor force participation, behavioral factors have emerged as key barriers in the...
In Indonesia, the largest economy in Southeast Asia, the current tax compliance level for small and medium enterprises (SME) has reached 15 percent. Considering that there are over 59 million SMEs in the...
The World Bank, in cooperation with the Employment Services Division of the Ministry ofLabor, Human Resources Development, and Training, has designed and begun the implementationof a behavioral intervention...