In this paper on the summary of notes and indications of policies for improving competitiveness in the Caribbean the authors believe that after years of low growth, high unemployment and indebtedness...
Jamaica's primary health care system was a model for the Caribbean region in the 1990s. Because of it, Jamaicans enjoy relatively better health status than people in other countries of similar income level...
Jamaica's primary health care system was a model for the Caribbean region in the 1990s. Because of it, Jamaicans enjoy relatively better health status than people in other countries of similar income level...
Jamaica has made many notable achievements in the fight against HIV/AIDS, which include a robust treatment program and improved HIV prevention programs that increasingly focus on the key drivers of the...
Reducing the burden of Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in Jamaica is a national policy. The Government of Jamaica has recognized the importance of preventing and controlling NCDs and created the National...
The main objective of this exploratory study was to gain a better understanding of the risks of HIV for transport sector workers in Georgia and to outline the scope for policy response through prevention...
As part of the recent health reform effort, the government of Georgia launched a Medical Assistance Program in June 2006 to provide health insurance to its poor population. So far the program covers slightly...
This study examines fertility regulation in Kazakhstan, with dual emphases on providers' attitudes toward abortion and the public financial costs of abortion provision. Though abortion incidence declined...
The study describes the development of the health sector over the last decade, and the sector's significant progress in terms of increasing coverage of services. However, health remains a major concern...
The health sector in Mozambique has made significant progress in terms of increasing coverage of services. However, health remains a major concern in the area of poverty reduction. The study describes...
The study investigates the implication of economic recovery in Ghana, and how it relates to the incidence of social spending, reviewing how the poor benefit from education and health spending. As of the...