Mexico is one of the largest countries in the Latin American and Caribbean region with a population of 113 million. GDP per capita is high by regional standards at over US$10,000. Poverty and socioeconomic...
Argentina has one of the highest levels of GDP per capita in Latin America and has historically spent a considerable portion of GDP on health. It has, however, lagged far behind other upper-middle income...
Colombia is an upper middle income nation of approximately 46 million which borders the Caribbean Sea and the North Pacific Ocean. Colombia's post-colonial history has been plagued by persistent civil...
In the past decade, Peru has shown great success in lowering child mortality and has reached near-universal coverage of immunizations (93 percent) and prenatal care (95 percent of women have at least one...
Over the last three decades, Brazil has made significant investments in social programs, including a comprehensive healthcare system. Since returning to democracy in 1985 and with the 1988 Constitution...
Jamaica is the largest English-speaking Island in the Caribbean with a population of approximately 2.8 million. Though Jamaica's primary health care system was considered a model for the Caribbean region...
Guatemala is an upper-middle income country in Central America. The Guatemalan Peace Accords ("Accord for a Firm and Lasting Peace") were signed on December 29, 1996 bringing to an end over three decades...
Chile's socio-economic development over recent decades has been accompanied by improving average health outcomes. Life expectancy at birth has risen from 55 years in 1955 to 78 years in 2012 and the infant...
Costa Rica is among the top performers in health outcomes in the Latin America region with life expectancy, fertility rates and infant mortality rates comparable to higher income Organization for Economic...