Good transition needs friendly investment climate - some lessons of experience; by Guy Pfeffermann. Foreign investment slumps in Cuba. Labor policy dilemmas preceding EU enlargement - Labor markets of...
Wage controls have been integral to the stabilization programs of the formerly socialist countries of Central and Eastern Europe that are now moving toward market economies. The usual rationale for such...
The design and diffusion of improved cooking stoves. What do we know about the political economy of economic policy reform? Using auctions to allocate and price long-term credit. Wage controls during the...
Building a sound, efficient financial system is at the heart of the transformation from central planning to a market economy. The vital function that the financial system performs in a market economy in...
The authors try to distinguish between general and national features in explaining the impulse, transmission channels, and path of output decline in Hungary and Poland. It is clear that output losses are...
This paper discusses the workings of incomes policy, its rationale and its effects on wages and unemployment, in Poland during the initial stages of the transition to a market economy. It analyzes the...
Inflation and the transition to a market economy: an overview. Lesson from experiences with high inflation. Price-wage dynamics and inflation in socialist economies: empirical models for Hungary and Poland...
The authors review recent developments in wages, employment, and unemployment in Poland and discuss some of the main risks Poland faces in sustaining its stabilization effort. They find that: unemployment...
The authors compare the implementation of two apparently similar stabilization programs by two reforming socialist countries, launched two weeks apart (Dec. 1989 in Yugoslavia and Jan. 1990 in Poland)...
The authors of this paper set up a simple inflation model to analyze the transmission and short-run dynamics of inflation in partially reformed socialist economies. The model has features derived from...
The contents of this socialist economies in transition newsletter include: stabilization efforts in Poland and Yugoslavia - early lessons; study on the Soviet Union - interview with John Holaen; convertibility...
This paper emphasizes the fiscal underpinnings of the inflationary process and those particular dynamics when a dual price system is present. In particular, it explores the links between price controls...