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  • Kazakhstan Country Economic Memorandum : Dependence, Distance, Dispersion - Options for Upgrading Kazakhstan’s Economy (anglais)

    Kazakhstan’s economy depends heavily on extractives, with many other industries linked to them. Perhaps the most telling indicator of a stalled structural transformation is the stagnant spatial organization...

    Type de document: Mémorandum économique sur un pays Numéro du rapport: 173124 Date du document: 8 février 2023 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Lall,Somik V.,Izvorski,Ivailo V.,Correa,Paulo Guilherme,Seitz,William Hutchins,Rahardja,Sjamsu,Lootty, Mariana,Sivaev,Dmitry,Davies,Elwyn Adriaan Robin,Bogdan,Olena

  • Boosting Productivity in Kazakhstan with Micro-Level Tools : Analysis and Policy Lessons (anglais)

    Like many other countries, Kazakhstan’s economic growth has slowed since the 2007–09 global financial crisis. Although the slowdown reflected weaknesses in expanding labor and capital, the most striking...

    Type de document: Publication Numéro du rapport: 179904 Date du document: 10 janvier 2023 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Iootty De Paiva Dias,Mariana,Bizhan,Asset,Correa,Paulo Guilherme

  • Strengthening World Bank SME-Support Interventions : Operational Guidance Document (anglais)

    The objective of the present SME Operational Guidance Note is to support World Bank Group task teams and client countries with the knowledge and tools required for the effective design and implementations...

    Type de document: Rapport Numéro du rapport: 157949 Date du document: 31 mars 2021 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Medvedev,Denis,Aliyev,Ramin N.,Bruhn,Miriam,Correa,Paulo Guilherme,Garcia Ayala,Rodrigo Javier,Hill,Justin Piers William,Farazi,Subika,Lopez Cordova,Jose Ernesto,Piza,Caio,Sakhonchik,Alena,Seja,Morten

  • Protecting Productive Assets During the COVID-19 Pandemic (anglais)

    In understanding the economics of COVID-19, it is useful to start decomposing the issue in four parts: (i) the public health problem, i.e., the characteristics of the disease and its epidemiology; (ii)...

    Type de document: Document de travail Numéro du rapport: 148166 Date du document: 23 avril 2020 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Correa,Paulo Guilherme,Slavova,Stefka,Tulenko,Kate

  • Romania – Systematic Country Diagnostic : background note – productivity (anglais)

    Romania has not suffered the productivity slowdown and decline that affected most of EU15. In the aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis the country experienced growth in labor productivity, which however...

    Type de document: Systematic Country Diagnostic Numéro du rapport: 128066 Date du document: 1 juin 2018 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Correa,Paulo Guilherme,Cusolito,Ana Paula,De Nicola,Francesca

  • Croatia Clusters and GVC Assessment (anglais)

    The overall objective of the Croatia Clusters and global value chain (GVC) Assessment project is to support the Croatian Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship, and Crafts (MoEEC) in improving Croatia’s...

    Type de document: Rapport Numéro du rapport: 164339 Date du document: 31 octobre 2017 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Yap,Justin,Kilroy,Austin,Lapres,Blair Edward,Muhtaseb,Sherif,Duch,Emiliano,Iootty De Paiva Dias,Mariana,Nasir,John L.,Lopez Cordova,Jose Ernesto,Correa,Paulo Guilherme