Viet Nam is an economic success story - it transformed itself from a country in the 1980s as one of the poorest in the world, to a country in the 1990s with one of the world's highest growth rates. With...
This monograph summarizes the results of a World Bank research project that rigorously compares private and public secondary school cost and achievement in five developing countries - Colombia, the Dominican...
Inflation and the transition to a market economy: an overview. Lesson from experiences with high inflation. Price-wage dynamics and inflation in socialist economies: empirical models for Hungary and Poland...
The economics of the government budget constraint. Reforming property rights in land and tenancy. Inflation and the costs of stabilization: historical and recent experiences and policy lessons. The role...
Private interhousehold cash transfers are an important source of income in many developing countries. Among the countries whose experience is reviewed in the article, the proportion of all households receiving...
Private interhousehold cash transfers are an important source of income in many developing countries. Although precise transfer patterns are only beginning to be researched, the authors review the preliminary...
This report reviews quality estimates between private and public secondary schools in Colombia and Tanzania. Quality is measured by student performance on standardized achievement tests. Estimated sample...