Diarrhea and growth faltering in early childhood reduce survival and impair neurodevelopment. This paper assesses whether a national program in the Democratic Republic of Congo reduced diarrhea and stunting...
This report provides insights into the current situation and overall burden of trauma and RTCs in Malawi, shares what we have learned about how to effectively run a digital trauma registry in a low-resource...
This paper studies the impacts of the large-scale Road Sector Development Program in Ethiopia between 1997 and 2016 on local economic activity and land cover (urbanization and cropland). It exploits spatial...
Small-scale cross-border trade provides opportunities for economic gains in many developing countries. Yet cross-border traders -- many of whom are women -- face harassment and corruption, which can undermine...
Do improvements in health service delivery affect trust in political leaders in Africa? Citizens expect their government to provide social services. Intuitively, improvements in service delivery should...
The Development Impact Evaluation (DIME) Group generates high-quality and operationally relevant data and research to transform development policy, help reduce extreme poverty, and secure shared prosperity...
Gender-based occupational segregation – where women are concentrated in low-paid or low-profit sectors – is a non-trivial source of the gender wage gap worldwide, accounting for as much as 50 percent of...
Impact Evaluation to Development Impact (i2i) is a multi-donor trust fund managed by Development Impact Evaluation (DIME) in the World Bank Research Group. It is designed to generate high-qualityand operationally...
Industrialization and structural change entails shifting workers from low skill to high skill occupations, and in emerging economies a number of constraints may impede sectoral switches among workers...
Functioning democracy requires that citizens reward politicians who deliver benefits, yet there is surprisingly little causal evidence of changes in citizen views or behavior in response to specific government...
The WHO has recently debated whether to reaffirm its long-standing recommendation of mass drug administration (MDA) in areas with more than 20 percent prevalence of soil-transmitted helminths (hookworm...
As mobile phone ownership rates have risen dramatically in Africa, there has been increased interest in using mobile telephones as a data collection platform. This note draws on two largely successful...
As mobile phone ownership rates have risen in Africa, there is increased interest in using mobile telephony as a data collection platform. This paper draws on two pilot projects that use mobile phone interviews...