Sustainable development goals (SDGs) placed access to basic services at the center of international development in 2016-2030. Out of 17 goals, five address the access of poor people to basic services:...
Reliable and affordable supply of electricity is a key driver of economic growth. In recent decades, many developing and emerging economies have embarked on efforts to enhance the efficiency of their electricity...
Hydropower has been the major source of electricity in Peru, traditionally supplying more than 80 percent of electricity requirements, and serving as a source of independent generation for major mines...
Hydropower has been the major source of electricity in Peru, traditionally supplying more than 80 percent of electricity requirements, and serving as a source of independent generation for major mines...
During the 90s, most countries in Latin America and the Caribbean Region (LCR) supported by the World Bank, implemented a market-oriented reform in the energy sector to promote competition, economic regulation...
The Greater Mekong subregion--Cambodia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, and the Yunnan Province of southern China--has good potential for international power trade. Initial...
Power sytem planners must determine type and timing of major investments in the presence of great uncertainty in future values of major planning parameters. Furthermore, power investment decisions are...
This paper addresses the problem of irreversibility of investments, a topic related to the recently evolving "real options" literature. In the presence of alternatives, the opportunity to invest in a large...
This paper explains the development history and present state of combined-cycle power generation technology. The relative economics of gas-fueled combined-cycle plants and other fossil fuel power plant...
Power system planners face the challenge of determining the type and timing of major investments under conditions of great uncertainty in predicting the future trends of major planning parameters such...