Development Research in Practice leads the reader through a complete empirical research project, providing links to continuously updated resources on the DIME Wiki as well as illustrative examples from...
The Development Impact Evaluation (DIME) Group generates high-quality and operationally relevant data and research to transform development policy, help reduce extreme poverty, and secure shared prosperity...
India has the highest burden of tuberculosis (TB). Although most patients with TB in India seek care from the private sector, there is limited evidence on quality of TB care or its correlates. Following...
Impact Evaluation to Development Impact (i2i) is a multi-donor trust fund managed by Development Impact Evaluation (DIME) in the World Bank Research Group. It is designed to generate high-qualityand operationally...
India’s total antibiotic use is the highest of any country. Patients often receive prescription-only drugs directly from pharmacies. Here the authors aimed to assess the medical advice and drug dispensing...
India’s total antibiotic use is the highest of any country. Patients often receive prescription-only drugs directly from pharmacies. Here the authors aimed to assess the medical advice and drug dispensing...