By incorporating an understanding of behavioral science into economic inclusion programming, governments and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) seeking to bring millions out of poverty with limited resources...
This PEI In Practice Brief provides an overview of the PEI In Practice publication "Leveraging Behavioral Science to Increase the Impact of Economic Inclusion Programming.
Behavioral science-the study of how humans make decisions and take actions—can provide insight into a host of issues that impact the effectiveness of programs that rely on people acting in certain ways...
This paper evaluates the effects of interventions based on behavioral science on measures of early childhood socio-cognitive development (and related household-level outcomes) for children from households...
This paper presents the design a set of three simple and replicable behavioral interventions, which use stickers that can be added to water bills at low cost, and test their impact on water consumption...
Economists have long known that financial services have benefits for users by allowing them to smooth consumption, save for bulky purchases, etc. But the recognition of their importance even for people...
India's Golden Quadrilateral Program is aimed at improving the quality and width of existing highways connecting the four largest cities in India. This affects the quality of highways available to firms...