The World Bank’s Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance Program (DRFIP) held a disaster risk finance (DRF) workshop in Uganda on February 7th 2023, where the “Uganda Disaster Risk Finance Diagnostic” report...
The Burkina Faso economic update is a periodic publication of the World Bank (WB) that highlights recent economic trends and discusses development issues relevant to the country. It builds on existing...
The Burkina Faso economic update is a periodic publication of the World Bank (WB) that highlights recent economic trends and discusses development issues relevant to the country. It builds on existing...
L’ agriculture est une activité de plus en plus risquée dans une grande partie du monde, y compris dans la région de l'Afrique de l'Ouest. La Banque mondiale a développé un cadre de gestion des risques...
Agriculture is an increasingly risky business in much of the world, including the West African region. The World Bank has developed an Agricultural Risk Management (ARM) framework that assesses risks in...
According to latest estimates, the economy grew by 2.0 percent in 2020, 4 percentage points less than projected before the onset of COVID-19 (coronavirus). The primary sector grew by 5.2 percent, supported...
According to latest estimates, the economy grew by 2.0 percent in 2020, 4 percentage points less than projected before the onset of COVID-19 (coronavirus). The primary sector grew by 5.2 percent, supported...
This short note was published as independent blogs between June and October 2020 as part of technical knowledge produced by the disaster risk finance community of practice.
In March 2018, Uganda's Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (MoFPED) formally requested technical assistance from the World Bank Group (WBG) to conduct a technical and diagnostic review...
As a key pillar of the Ugandan economy, the agriculture sector is a critical driver of economic growth and poverty alleviation. Uganda's agricultural sector is dominated by smallholders with low levels...
This diagnosis is part of the World Bank’s technical assistance to the Haitian authorities regarding financial inclusion and financial sector development. The industrial development fund (FDI), a public...
This report focuses on the Beninese financial sector by identifying the scope and penetration of specific activities such as banking, microfinance, retail payments, and agriculture finance and the challenges...