How did the economic crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic impact poor households in Sub-Saharan Africa? This paper tackles this question by combining 73 High-Frequency Phone Surveys collected by national...
While the impact of COVID-19 on Sub-Saharan African labor markets is well documented, there is suggestive evidence that urban households may have fared particularly poorly. This paper uses data from high-frequency...
This paper presents new evidence on the levels and trends of vaccine hesitancy in developing countries based on harmonized high-frequency phone surveys from more than 120,000 respondents in 53 low- and...
This paper presents new evidence on the levels and trends of vaccine hesitancy in developing countries based on harmonized high frequency phone surveys (HFPS) from over 120,000 respondents in 53 low and...
The April 2022 update to the newly launched Poverty and Inequality Platform (PIP) involves several changes to the data underlying the global poverty estimates. Some welfare aggregates have been changed...
This paper nowcasts poverty in India, one of the countries with the largest population below the international poverty line of $1.90 per person per day. Because the latest official household survey dates...
The March 2021 update to PovcalNet involves several changes to the data underlying the global poverty estimates. Some welfare aggregates have been changed for improved harmonization, and the CPI, national...