Dans ce numéro : éloge des comparaisons de la parité des pouvoirs d’achat (PPA). Observations à l’occasion de l’anniversaire du Programme de comparaison internationale (PCI), entretien avec Alan Hestoland...
Included in this issue: In praise of purchasing power parties (PPP) comparisons. Remarks of International Comparison Program (ICP) anniversary Interviews Alan Hestoland Robert summers. What have we learnt...
Included in this issue: In praise of purchasing power parties (PPP) comparisons. Remarks of International Comparison Program (ICP) anniversary Interviews Alan Hestoland Robert summers. What have we learnt...
Included in this issue: In praise of purchasing power parties (PPP) comparisons. Remarks of International Comparison Program (ICP) anniversary Interviews Alan Hestoland Robert summers. What have we learnt...