Europe 4.0: Addressing the Digital Dilemma examines the underlying economics of different types of digital technologies. It highlights what the new drivers of change are, why the dynamics with this latest...
Europe 4.0: Addressing the Digital Dilemma examines the underlying economics of different types of digital technologies. It highlights what the new drivers of change are, why the dynamics with this latest...
The first section identifies the overlaps between Kazakhstan's development objectives and the goals of IFC~^!!^s new strategy of creating markets for the private sector. Kazakhstan~^!!^s development objectives...
This book is organized around three overarching themes under which various topics are aggregated. The first concerns human development and resilience, and discusses issues related to poverty, education...
Papua has abundant natural and fiscal resources but also faces great development challenges. On the one hand, Papua currently has the largest per capita fiscal capacity after West Papua. Papua is rich...
Over the last decade, Kenya's society and economy have changed fundamentally and these deep trends will continue. Rapid population growth and urbanization will create many new challenges which need to...
Delivering aid differently was written at a time when the future of foreign aid is being fiercely debated. The book includes an overview; case studies of Aceh/Indonesia, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Pakistan...
Kenya may be at a 'tipping point', the theme of the third Kenya economic update which has a special focus on the transformative impact of information and communication technology (ICT) and mobile money...
This is the first edition of the Kenya Economic Update. This title of this report has two meanings, which are both true for Kenya today. First, the economy seems to stand still as economic growth barely...
Indonesia's oil revenues and fuel subsidies dominate the nation's economic policy agenda. This paper estimates the impact of higher international oil prices on the Indonesian government's fiscal position...
In recent years, natural and man-made disasters have confronted the international community with its most demanding reconstruction challenges since the aftermath of World War II. Managing the inflow of...
This note presents a financial tracking methodology developed by the World Bank's Indonesia country team. Following the tsunami and the subsequent earthquakes in Nias (2005) and Yogyakarta (2006), the...
What are the current trends and main characteristics of public education spending in Indonesia? Is education spending insufficient? Are expenditures in education efficient and equitable? This study reports...
Six months after the tsunami hit the northern coast of Sumatra, the scale of damage and of human tragedy is still incomprehensible. The landscape of much of Aceh remains fields of rubble, with only the...
Best known for political instability, a high number of coups, and for the export of spices, the Comoros Islands are also among the leading countries in the world in terms of remittances per capita and...
Continued macroeconomic stability and a stronger international economy are supporting renewed growth in Indonesia, and are contributing to a reduction in poverty. The Government's Economic Policy Package...
This note presents the methodology and findings of a field study on the financing needs of Madagascar's communes-the country's lowest but most institutionally advanced level of subnational government...