Policy makers around the world recognize the potentially harmful consequences of trademark counterfeiting and copyright piracy. Indeed, many countries have recently initiated policy reforms to strengthen...
The World Bank Research Observer is intended for anyone who has a professional interest in development. Observer articles are written to be accessible to non specialist readers; contributors examine key...
Policy makers around the world recognize the potentially harmful consequences of trademark counterfeiting and copyright piracy. Indeed, many countries have recently initiated policy reforms to strengthen...
Promoting quality health services to large population segments is a key ingredient to human and economic development. At its core, healthcare policymaking involves complex tradeoffs between promoting equitable...
An important question in the design of bilateral and regional free trade agreements (FTAs) covering services is to what extent nonmembers benefit from the trade preferences that are negotiated among members...
Over the past few years, the United States has pursued an increasing number of bilateral and regional free trade agreements (FTAs) in different parts of the world. This has marked a considerable shift...
One of the most significant developments of the Uruguay Round of Trade Negotiations (1986-94) was the inclusion of intellectual property rights (IPRs) issues on the agenda of the multilateral trading system...
One of the most significant developments of the Uruguay Round of Trade Negotiations (1986-94) was the inclusion of intellectual property rights (IPRs) issues on the agenda of the multilateral trading system...
Economists have long recognized that richer countries trade more among themselves than with poorer economies due to a closer match of exporter supply structures and importer preferences. In the literature...
Recent negotiations at the World Trade Organization (WTO) on patents and public health have sought to im-plement the work program agreed in Doha in 2001 on improving access to generic drugs for poor countries...
Maritime transport costs significantly impede international trade. This article examines why these costs are so high in some countries and quantifies the importance of two explanations: restrictive trade...
Eliminating excessive tariffs on exports of least developed countries; by Bernard Hoekman, Francis Ng, and Marcelo Olarreaga. Imported machinery for export competitiveness; by Ashoka Mody and Kamil Yilmaz...
To address questions about how stronger patent rights will affect India's pharmaceutical industry, the author simulates the effects of introducing such protection - as required by the World trade Organization...
International equity offerings are now a well-established privatization route for telecommunications companies - in addition to local offerings and sale to a strategic partner. However, while many governments...
The restructuring and privatization of the U.K. electricity supply - was it worth it? by David M. Newbery and Michael G. Pollitt. A retrospective on the Mexican toll road program (1989-94), by Jeff Ruster...
The authors look at the rise of the Internet as the main application behind the emerging global information infrastructure. Many now believe that the Internet provides a window into a future in which access...