Russia’s science and technology diaspora is too visible and successful to evade attention from home. However, the public debate in Russia so far has been focused almost exclusively on return migration...
The large Armenian Diaspora, widely dispersed throughout the 5 continents, had successfully preserved the nation's independence aspirations across generations born far from the homeland. This nationalistic...
The paper provides an empirical analysis of the determinants of fiscal decentralization within Russian regions in 1994-2001. The conventional view that more decentralized governments are found in regions...
This publication identifies the key drivers of Ukraine's recent trade performance, assesses current trade policies, and proposes recommendations to strengthen the Ukraine's trade integration strategy...
The study provides a detailed quantitative analysis, based on standard econometric models, of the trends and the configuration of trade of the CIS countries, with an emphasis on its low income members...
Reforms of Russia's budgetary system at the subnational level are vital to preserve macroeconomic stability, improve the efficiency and accountability of government, and enhance incentives for local and...