The policy and human resources development (PHRD) fund is a trust fund generously supported by the government of Japan and managed by the World Bank. It provides grants to pay for technical expertise...
Private investment in infrastructure - opportunities and challenges; by Declan Duff. Coming of age in the global village; by Ake Almgren. On the ground, under the ground, in the water, in the air - a decade...
This Bank's world newsletter includes some of the following headings: bank study upbeat on Africa; report says growth and democracy picking up; UN gender conference: Beijing follow-up plan agreed; our...
This Precis entitled, From foodline to lifeline : rural roads in Morocco, complements the Bank's Operations and Evaluation Department (OED), Impact evaluation report, Morocco : Socioeconomic impact of...
This Precis entitled, From foodline to lifeline : rural roads in Morocco, complements the Bank's Operations and Evaluation Department (OED), Impact evaluation report, Morocco : Socioeconomic impact of...