It has been the Israeli government’s explicit goal to position Israel at the core of the knowledge economy. The purpose of this report is to describe the environment for internet entrepreneurship in Israel...
It has been the Israeli government’s explicit goal to position Israel at the core of the knowledge economy. This case study of Israel information and communications technology (ICT) sector highlights the...
This book builds on the lessons from public institutions and programs to support innovation, both successful and failed, from Europe and Central Asia (ECA) as well as China, Finland, Israel, and the United...
This book seeks to understand how firms in southern Africa absorb technology and how policy makers can hurry the process along. It identifies channels of technology transfer and absorption through trade...
Growth and competitiveness through employment, skills, and innovation and technology absorption are key issues to enable the European Union (EU) to meet the targets set out in the Europe 2020 strategy...
Improving the ability of Europe and Central Asia (ECA) countries to tap into the global technology pool is an important mechanism for accelerating their industrial development, worker productivity and...
Key factors driving self-sustained, long-term economic growth are innovation and technology absorption; these factors are generated from within the economic system, responding to economic incentives. This...
Improving the ability of Europe and Central Asia (ECA) countries to tap into the global technology pool is an important mechanism for accelerating their industrial development, worker productivity and...
Key factors driving self-sustained, long-term economic growth are innovation and technology absorption; these factors are generated from within the economic system, responding to economic incentives. This...
In Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ECA) countries, the states own and operate most of the research and development institutes (RDIs). These institutes often play an important and even dominant role in...
In Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ECA) countries, the states own and operate most of the research and development institutes (RDIs). These institutes often play an important and even dominant role in...
Russian economy has been growing at an average nominal rate of 6 percent annually for the past decade. Among the most important factors contributing to its expansion has been the skyrocketing cost of oil...
Russia has joined the club of rapidly growing economies, driven by rising prices for oil and gas. Russian authorities are concerned about sustaining this economic performance, however. Thus they have sought...
The Russian economy has been growing at a nominal rate of 6 percent annually for the past several years. Nonetheless, the Russian government, concerned about the sustainability of this economic performance...
The report focuses on the rationale, financial instruments, and institutional requisites for effective public support for commercial innovation. The set of institutions and conditions in the various ECA...
The authors use data on 27,000 firms from 50 countries, half of which are transition economies, together with the case of Serbia to examine the relationship between productivity, the investment climate...
The Poland Knowledge Economy Assessment (KEA) aims to provide policy options for securing sustainable growth, and improving competitiveness, by creating an environment conducive to business development...
The Poland Knowledge Economy Assessment (KEA) aims to provide policy options for securing sustainable growth, and improving competitiveness, by creating an environment conducive to business development...
Subnational fiscal autonomy-the basis for fiscal federalism in modern federations-is meant to serve two roles. First, local control over revenue collection is meant to provide a check on the capacity of...
Counting the world's poor: problems and possible solutions; by Angus Deaton. Comments on "counting the world's poor"; by Martin Ravallion, and T. N. Srinivasan. Ecology, history, and development : a perspective...