Overcoming the twin challenges of child labor and educational marginalization will be critical to progress towards the millennium development goals in the Economic commission for West Africa States (ECOWAS)...
Overcoming the twin challenges of child labor and educational marginalization will be critical to progress towards the millennium development goals in the Economic commission for West Africa States (ECOWAS)...
The report shows that the decline in child labor in Mexico did not happen by itself, much of the decline can be traced to active efforts across a range of policy areas. Particularly important were active...
The study addresses the comparability of child labor estimates produced by different common household survey instruments. This question has important implications for credibility of published estimates...
The study assesses trends in children's involvement in employment and schooling in Andhra Pradesh over the eleven-year period from 1994 to 2005. Considerable progress was made in getting children out of...
This study has been developed on the bases of a survey sponsored by Arab Urban Development Institute (AUDI). However, a report that assesses the quality of the survey (such as the validity of assumptions...
The issue of child abuse in developing countries is of utmost importance for designing policies directed to vulnerable children and aimed at combating the worst forms of child labor. Unfortunately there...
Child labor constitutes a key obstacle to achieving universal primary education and other Millennium Development Goals in Uganda. It not only harms the welfare of individual children, but also slows broader...
Education is a key element in the prevention of child labor; at the same time, child labor is one of the main obstacles to Education for All (EFA). Understanding the interplay between education and child...
This paper develops a model of investment in education and school-to work transition under uncertainty. The main predictions of the model are tested for Brazilian households using Pesquisa Nacional por...
The paper analyzes the effect of different shocks on household decisions concerning children's involvement in work and school in rural Cambodia. The authors assess the differential impact of three different...
There is a limited empirical basis for formulating policies and programs promoting youth employment and successful school to work transitions. This study is aimed at beginning to fill this gap by analyzing...
This paper aims to begin to fill in the gap about the possible role of school quality in affecting household decisions relative to children's work and school attendance. While from a theoretical point...
Ethiopia accounts for the largest youth population in Sub-Saharan Africa and the lack of employment opportunities for Ethiopian young people is among the critical developing challenges facing the country...
Education is a key element in the prevention of child labor; at the same time, child labor is one of the main obstacles to Education for All (EFA). Understanding the interplay between education and child...
Ethiopia accounts for the largest youth population in Sub-Saharan Africa and the lack of employment opportunities for Ethiopian young people is among the critical developing challenges facing the country...
The study examines the child labour phenomenon in the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region from a gender perspective. It represents part of a broader effort to improve understanding of how child labour...
In Georgia, the lack of employment opportunities and with it, the loss of positive motivation and hope in a better future, is among the critical challenges facing the current generation of young people...
While youth issues are subject of growing attention in the Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) region, data for indicators relating specifically to youth employment remain scarce in most SSA countries. There is therefore...
The current study forms part of a broader research effort directed towards arriving eventually at an internationally acceptable consensus on the statistical definition of child labor. It looks specifically...