Energy interview with Kenneth Rogoff: no country should plan on us $70 oil forever. World crude oil markets : monetary policy and the recent oil shock, by Noureddine Krichene. The oil supply potential...
Energy interview with Kenneth Rogoff: no country should plan on us $70 oil forever. World crude oil markets : monetary policy and the recent oil shock, by Noureddine Krichene. The oil supply potential...
Modernizing China's growth paradigm by Eswar Prasad and Raghuram Rajan. Understanding migration in Russia by Yuri Andrienko and Sergei Guriev. Insert : Invasion or Necessary Stimulant? by Zhanna Zaionchkovskaya...
Modernizing China's growth paradigm by Eswar Prasad and Raghuram Rajan. Understanding migration in Russia by Yuri Andrienko and Sergei Guriev. Insert : Invasion or Necessary Stimulant? by Zhanna Zaionchkovskaya...
External shocks may cause a decline in the productivity of fixed capital in certain regions of an economy. Exogenous obstacles to migration make it hard for workers in those regions to reallocate to more...
The Varieties of Resource Experience: Natural Resource Export Structures and the Political Economy of Economic Growth by Jonathan Isham, Michael Woolcock, Lant Pritchett, and Gwen Busby; Attaching Workers...
Russian oligarchs : a quantitative assessment; by Sergei Guriev and Andrei Rachinsky. What do firms disclose and why? Enforcing corporate governance and transparency in Central and Eastern Europe; by Anete...
Russian oligarchs : a quantitative assessment; by Sergei Guriev and Andrei Rachinsky. What do firms disclose and why? Enforcing corporate governance and transparency in Central and Eastern Europe; by Anete...
The road to prosperity : saving capitalism from capitalists; by Raghuram G. Rajan, and Luigi Zingales. Investment climate in China : a tale of five cities; by David Dollar, Mary Hallward-Driemeier, Anqing...
The road to prosperity : saving capitalism from capitalists; by Raghuram G. Rajan, and Luigi Zingales. Investment climate in China : a tale of five cities; by David Dollar, Mary Hallward-Driemeier, Anqing...
Contents: Iraq is a transition economy of the Middle East. The task is to transform the economy-dominated by central planning, price controls, and extensive state ownership-into a genuine market economy...
Ten years in transition : recalling the events of a historic decade with World Bank Chief Economist Nicholas Stern; by Richard Hirschler. Czech President Vaclav Havel on the intellectual challenge of globalization...
World Bank's new approach helps business in transition economies; by Lars Jeurling. Are foreign investors and multinationals engaging in corrupt practices in transition economies? by Joel Hellman, Geraint...