Five years after Rio : the World Bank's environmental professionals take stock; by Andrew Steer. Persuasion and incentives : new ways to achieve a cleaner world; by Hanrahan, David. Solving the water crisis...
Type de document: Publication
Numéro du rapport: 21284
Date du document: 30 avril 1997
Mode de publication: Disclosed
Auteur: Fleming,Clare,Steer,Andrew D.,Hanrahan,David C.,Landrigan, Steven,Briscoe,John,Asad,Musa S. C.,Davis, Sandy,Agarwal, Anil,Rees,Colin P.,Whitford,Peter W.,Hancock,Lucy O.,Post,Jan Cornelis,Lintner, Steve,TANDBERG, EIVIND,Hamilton,Kirk E.,Kunte, Aru,Dixon,John A.