The COVID-19 pandemic has spurred unprecedented economic disruption globally. The full scope of the virus’s impact on human health and economic activity remains to be seen, but two things are clear: (1)...
The level of performance of an electric utility is determined by the soundness of its financial situation, the efficiency of its technology, and the quality of service it provides customers. Its financial...
This paper analyzes power utilities in 15 jurisdictions to understand the determinants of success for reforms aimed at improving financial viability and cost recovery in the power sector and the impacts...
The objectives of the analysis presented in this report are to: 1) affirm the existing estimates of small hydropower technical potential and assess the economic viability of small hydropower plant (SHPP)...
The objectives of the analysis presented in this report are to: 1) affirm the existing estimates of small hydropower technical potential and assess the economic viability of small hydropower plant (SHPP)...
Adequate and affordable energy supply is fundamental for economic growth, higher living standards, and social equity. The delivery of modern energy services helps to improve the quality of life for all...
The Republic of Belarus relies heavily on natural gas imports to meet domestic energy demand. Energy efficiency (EE) investments can significantly reduce budget outlays in the long-term while also improving...
The government of Belarus (GoB) plans to increase district heating (DH) tariffs to cost-recovery levels and gradually phase out subsidies, replacing them with social assistance programs. The purpose of...
This report identifies the most viable heating options and related investment measures to meet heating demand in urban residential and public buildings in Tajikistan. The report provides an overview of...
This report identifies viable heating options and related investment measures to meet heating demand in urban residential and public buildings in the Kyrgyz Republic. The report analyzes the condition...
This report identifies viable heating options and related investment measures to meet heating demand in urban residential and public buildings in the Kyrgyz Republic. The report analyzes the condition...
This report identifies the most viable heating options and related investment measures to meet heating demand in urban residential and public buildings in Tajikistan. The report provides an overview of...
The objective of the note is to inform the government's policy thinking by identifying the principal challenges that the power sector faces and outlining solutions for overcoming them. The note also discusses...
The objective of the note is to inform the government's policy thinking by identifying the principal challenges that the power sector faces and outlining solutions for overcoming them. The note also discusses...
This power sector policy note analyzes the principal challenges in the power sector of the Kyrgyz Republic and identifies possible solutions for overcoming them. To inform the analysis, the note describes...
This note focuses on the energy and power sector in Uzbekistan with the purpose of identifying some of the key issues faced by the sector and outlining potential solutions. In particular, the note aims...
Armenia's energy sector has achieved a level of electricity reliability, service quality and efficiency of sector operations that stands out among countries participating in Commonwealth of Independent...
More than a decade of ambitious sector reform has led to a period of stability in the Armenian energy sector. The sector faces challenges more typical of a developed economy than an emerging one: policymakers'...
More than a decade of ambitious sector reform has led to a period of stability in the Armenian energy sector. The sector faces challenges more typical of a developed economy than an emerging one: policymakers'...
Before the onset of the global financial crisis in late 2008, countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ECA) experienced strong economic growth. Demand for electricity increased steadily with gross...