This report surveys around 50 cost and benefit studies of past and proposed legal aid programs covering civil and common law jurisdictions in developed and developing countries, large and small jurisdictions...
This report surveys around 50 cost and benefit studies of past and proposed legal aid programs covering civil and common law jurisdictions in developed and developing countries, large and small jurisdictions...
The primary objective of this research was to provide Serbian policy makers, civil society, and development partners with evidence of the socioeconomic status of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and...
Objective fact-finding is the basis of any court process; expert witnesses play a key role when specialized facts need to be established and complex issues analyzed. The European Commission for Efficiency...
Access to justice, the ability of citizens and communities to resolve disputes and uphold rights, is key to attaining the World Bank’s twin goals of eliminating poverty and promoting shared prosperity...
Discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) people is widespread, and LGBTI exclusion from economic markets, vital services, and political spaces is entrenched. This...
In an effort to help the Montenegrin Government in its efforts to implement reforms andmodernization of the judiciary, the World Bank conducted a survey dealing with the perception of the judiciary through...
Discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people is widespread and LGBTI exclusion from economic markets, vital services and political spaces is entrenched. This is...
Victims of crime are among the most vulnerable groups in need of government services. Yet, victim support services (VSS), if available, often vary in their quality and accessibility within countries. Service...
This report What Works? Examples of Empirically Proven Justice Reforms examines theimpact of select judicial reforms on efficiency of justice, quality of justice, and access to justice in India, Senegal...
This report examines various approaches to conducting a case weighting analysis (CWA), and offers some good practices and several lessons. The report discusses the limitations of the CWA technique and...
This comparative analysis examines the enforcement of uncontested monetary claims in the EU-11, as well as in FYR Macedonia (hereinafter "comparator countries"), and outlines options available to policymakers...
The costs and long duration of court proceedings can be discouraging, and for the poor and micro and small enterprises (MSMEs) it can preclude access to justice entirely. According to the latest CEPEJ...
This comparative analysis examines the enforcement of uncontested monetary claims in the EU-11, as well as in FYR Macedonia (hereinafter "comparator countries"), and outlines options available to policymakers...
This comparative analysis examines the enforcement of uncontested monetary claims in the EU-11, as well as in FYR Macedonia (hereinafter "comparator countries"), and outlines options available to policymakers...
This comparative analysis examines the enforcement of uncontested monetary claims in the EU-11, as well as in FYR Macedonia, and outlines options available to policymakers. When exploring enforcement of...
This comparative analysis examines the enforcement of uncontested monetary claims in the EU-11, as well as in FYR Macedonia (hereinafter "comparator countries"), and outlines options available to policymakers...
This comparative analysis examines the enforcement of uncontested monetary claims in the EU-11, as well as in FYR Macedonia (hereinafter "comparator countries"), and outlines options available to policymakers...