The focus of this paper is on sustainable tourism’s wider benefits, it is important to acknowledge that there are tradeoffs involved. Like other economic activities, tourism both gives and takes from communities...
Type de document: Document de travail
Numéro du rapport: 119954
Date du document: 1 janvier 2017
Mode de publication: Disclosed
Auteur: Twining-Ward,Louise D,Aguerrevere Yanes,Gabriela,Bakker,Martine Hendrica Elize,Bartlett,Jennifer Louise,Chappell Jr,Robert L,Harman,Philip Alexander,Li,Wendy,Mann,Shaun,Miguel, Jose,Villascusa Cerezo,Jose Miguel,Perrottet,John Gerard,Salem,Talia Malvina,Shiels,Damien,Torres, Issa,Weiss,Bradley Lawrence,Wohlmuther, Cordula