Sudan, like the rest of the world, has been experiencing the unprecedented social and economic impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The rapid spread of COVID-19 in Sudan and the government’s...
The objective of this note is to assess the extent to which the CT program is benefiting intended poor households and the appropriateness of the benefit level under the current inflation situation for...
This status report assesses the progress made in implementing Sudan’s IPRSP. The report examinesthe context within which the IPRSP was implemented, tracks pro-poor expenditures, evaluatesprogress made...
The Sudan National Multi Donor Trust Fund (MDTF-N) was set up in 2005 in the context of Sudan's Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA). The main objective of the sustainability study is to evaluate the capacity...
Since the cessation of conflict, Mozambique has achieved impressive economic growth and has become an example of successful post conflict reconstruction and development, moving from a one-party state to...
About the World Bank Group and Staff Exchange Program (SEP). Partnership programs at a glance. A word of Thanks, by Benedicte Boullet. Moving in, moving on. A first Voice Secondment Program (VSP) cohort...
Tunisia has successfully shifted from resource-based exports dominated by oil and gas to manufactures and services. The economy is now driven mainly by textile, electrical, mechanical, and food processing...
La Tunisie a réussi à passer du statut de pays exportateur de ressources, principalement le pétrole et le gaz, à un statut d’exportateur de biens manufacturés et de services. L’économie du pays repose...
Tunisia has successfully shifted from resource-based exports dominated by oil and gas to manufactures and services. The economy is now driven mainly by textile, electrical, mechanical, and food processing...
This paper reviews World Bank Operations Evaluation Department experience with partnerships in joint country assistance evaluations. The emphasis is on identifying emerging benefits and costs of joint...
The World Bank is engaged in 38 post-conflict countries and areas. A fifth of Bank commitments were devoted to those countries in FY2004. The Bank created a new post-conflict unit in 1998 and instituted...
This evaluation, prepared in collaboration with the Islamic Development Bank, looks at the effectiveness of Bank assistance to Jordan during the 1990s, from three perspectives: an analysis of the Bank's...
This evaluation, prepared in collaboration with the Islamic Development Bank, looks at the effectiveness of Bank assistance to Jordan during the 1990s, from three perspectives: an analysis of the Bank's...
The report reviews the Bank's development assistance to Lesotho, a poor country, of predominantly rural populations, landlocked and completely surrounded by, and economically dependent on, South Africa...
Using a household budget survey for 1992, The author shows the poor revenue performance and distributional impact of Bulgaria's personal income tax system. He explores the implications for revenue and...