Mauritius is a high middle-income country with low levels of poverty and inequality. The headcount poverty level was 6.9 percent in 2012; measured by the international standard of United States (U.S.)...
The countries of the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region are confronting a number of demographic challenges over the coming decades. These include shrinking populations and labor forces because of below...
The countries of the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region are confronting a number of demographic challenges over the coming decades. These include shrinking populations and labor forces because of below...
The diaspora populations from Europe and Central Asia (ECA) countries are large in both absolute and relative terms. Nearly 11 percent of the population in the region resides outside the country of birth...
Migration has become an important phenomenon in many countries of Europe and Central Asia. The development implications of migration in the region were first examined in the flagship report 'migration...
The purposes of this report are to analyze the nature of the current problems of Russia's educational system, and to discuss policy options open to the government. The study analyzes General and first...
One unintended consequence of Russia's transition to a market economy has been a massive out-migration from the Northern periphery. The major causes of this out-migration have been price liberalization...
A changing development landscape : globalization and localization, by Shahid Yusuf. What went wrong with foreign advice in Ukraine?, by Vira Nanivska. How to better manage China's state owned enterprises:...
A changing development landscape : globalization and localization, by Shahid Yusuf. What went wrong with foreign advice in Ukraine?, by Vira Nanivska. How to better manage China's state owned enterprises?...
The green light is on - a perspective from China. A roadmap for reform. China's state sector: bleak facts and figures. China's growth path to 21st century: recommendations from the World Bank. Albania...
This paper surveys health reform in the former Soviet republics of Central Asia, in the aftermath of their independence and transition from the Soviet command economy. Socio-economic, epidemiological and...
Dramatic population trends in countries of the FSU (Timothy Heleniak). Poverty in Russia--an assessment (Jeni Klugman). Checklist for action in the Russian economy (Michael D. Intriligator, Robert McIntyre...