Economies are embedded in nature and depend profoundly on the flow of goods and services it generates, such as food and raw materials, pollination, water filtration, and climate regulation. Since economies...
The productivity of the world's natural resources is critically dependent on a variety of highly uncertain factors, which obscure individual investors and governments that seek to make long-term, sometimes...
What is second-generation biofuel technology worth to global society? A dynamic, computable partial equilibrium model (called FABLE) is used to assess changes in global land use for crops, livestock, biofuels...
The pattern of global land use has important implications for the world's food and timber supplies, bioenergy, biodiversity and other eco-system services. However, the productivity of this resource is...
Economic, agronomic, and biophysical drivers affect global land use, so all three influences need to be considered in evaluating economically optimal allocations of the world's land resources. A dynamic...
Given global heterogeneity in climate-induced agricultural variability, Tanzania has the potential to substantially increase its maize exports to other countries. If global maize production is lower than...
Beginning with the World Trade Organization's (WTO's) Doha development agenda and establishment of the millennium development goal of reducing poverty by 50 percent by 2015, poverty impacts of trade reforms...
Although much has been written about climate change and poverty as distinct and complex problems, the link between them has received little attention. Understanding this link is vital for the formulation...
The Special Safeguard Mechanism was a key issue in the July 2008 failure to reach agreement in the World Trade Organization negotiations under the Doha Development Agenda. It includes both price and quantity-triggered...
This issue includes the following: Corporate governance at the World Bank and the dilemma of global governance, by Ashwin Kaja and Eric Werker. Measuring household usage of financial services : does it...
The special safeguard mechanism both quantity and price based was key in the July 2008 failure to reach agreement in the World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations under the doha development agenda. A...
Climate models generally indicate that climate volatility may rise in the future, severely affecting agricultural productivity through greater frequency of yield-diminishing climate extremes, such as droughts...
This paper examines the poverty impacts of global merchandise trade reform by looking at a wide range of developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Overall, the authors find that trade reform...
Capitalizing on the most recent estimates of agricultural price distortions in China and in other countries, this paper assesses the economic and poverty impact of global and domestic trade reform in China...
This paper proposes a new method for ex ante analysis of the poverty impacts arising from policy reforms. Three innovations underlie this approach. The first is the estimation of a global demand system...
Rich countries' agricultural trade policies are the battleground on which the future of the WTO's troubled Doha Round will be determined. Subject to widespread criticism, they nonetheless appear to be...
Agriculture is yet again causing contention in international trade negotiations. It caused long delays to the Uruguay Round in the late 1980s and 1990s, and it is again proving to be the major stumbling...
This paper reports on the findings from a major international research project investigating the poverty impacts of a potential Doha Development Agenda (DDA). It combines in a novel way the results from...
The authors assess the implications of multilateral trade reforms for poverty in China. They do so by combining results from a global modeling exercise with a national CGE model that features disaggregated...
In this issue: Global poverty reduction via expanding opportunities; by Timothy Besley, Robin Burgess, and David Donaldson. Interview with Alberto Alesina. Good_bye Lenin (or not)? The effect of communism...