The world is urbanizing, with internal migration historically an important driver. Internal migration is also widely feared as source of urban underdevelopment. In addressing Africa’s employment challenge...
Tanzania’s growth and poverty reduction aspirations hinge on shifting from a reliance on agriculture toward greater productivity. Cities’ key role in generating a more competitive economy is already apparent:...
At the moment, a child born in Uganda will be only 38 percent as productive when she grows up as she can be if she enjoyed complete education and full health, according to the human capital index (HCI)...
This study seeks to identify the factors that hinder Greater Monrovia to achieve higher productivity of its workers and welfare for its citizens. It will do so by combining specifically gathered spatial...
This study seeks to identify the factors that hinder Greater Monrovia to achieve higher productivity of its workers and welfare for its citizens. It will do so by combining specifically gathered spatial...
The Ethiopia Urban Land Supply and Affordable Housing Study (EULSAH) responds to the request fromthe Government of Ethiopia (GoE), Ministry of Urban Development and Construction to carry outfollow-on technical...
Urban population growth is in full stride in Sub-Saharan Africa, but it has done less to reduce poverty than might be expected. Despite its high urban growth, Sub-Saharan Africa is experiencing low urbanization...
This report analyzes the progress and challenges of 16 countries in the Danube watershed in delivering sustainable water and wastewater services to all, while meeting the European Union environmental acquis...
This report analyzes the progress and challenges of 16 countries in the Danube watershed in delivering sustainable water and wastewater services to all, while meeting the European Union environmental acquis...
Building upon the transport governance filter developed by the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) transport team, which identified several thematic principles and actionable indicators on the governance of...
Building upon the transport governance filter developed by the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) transport team, which identified several thematic principles and actionable indicators on the governance of...
Building upon the transport governance filter developed by the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) transport team, which identified several thematic principles and actionable indicators on the governance of...
This sourcebook was written to assist low-income countries with the development and strengthening of their poverty reduction strategies. This book has been designed as a resource for analysis and discourse...
This sourcebook was written to assist low-income countries with the development and strengthening of their poverty reduction strategies. This book has been designed as a resource for analysis and discourse...