The paper reviews the dynamics of human capital – mostly skills –accumulation and utilization during successful and static episodes of structural transformation in a sample of more than 90 countries over...
The world’s population is aging at a dramatic speed, raising concerns for how to maintain income and productivity growth, improve the welfare of older people, and help them contribute to society. By 2050...
Serbia has achieved remarkable macroeconomic stability, sustained economic growth, and improved living standards. Despite progress, Serbia is still not converging quickly enough with the European Union...
En la mayoría de los países de ingresos bajos y medianos se necesita urgentemente una reforma de la educación y formación técnica y profesional (EFTP). Las tendencias demográficas, junto con las tasas...
This newsletter highlights: featured works on technical and vocational education and training (TVET) systems; essential reading; what’s brewing at the WBG?; and help desk.