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  • Global development horizons 2011 : Multipolarity - the new global economy (anglais)

    The world economy is in the midst of a transformative change. One of the most visible outcomes of this transformation is the rise of a number of dynamic emerging-market countries to the helm of the global...

    Type de document: Publication Numéro du rapport: 62698 Date du document: 13 juin 2011 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Timmer,Hans,Dailami,Mansoor,Irving,Jacqueline Theresa,Hauswald,Robert B.H.,Masson,Paul R.

  • Remittance markets in Africa (anglais)

    A substantive literature suggests that migration generates benefits for migrants, the host societies, and the countries of origin. The economic benefits for the countries of origin are realized primarily...

    Type de document: Étude sur le commerce extérieur, les IDE et les flux de capitaux Numéro du rapport: 61310 Date du document: 21 avril 2011 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Mohapatra,Sanket,Ratha,Dilip Kumar,Irving,Jacqueline Theresa

  • Global development horizons 2011 : Multipolarity - the new global economy (chinois)

    The world economy is in the midst of a transformative change. One of the most visible outcomes of this transformation is the rise of a number of dynamic emerging-market countries to the helm of the global...

    Type de document: Publication Numéro du rapport: 62698 Date du document: 1 janvier 2011 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Timmer,Hans,Dailami,Mansoor,Irving,Jacqueline Theresa,Hauswald,Robert B.H.,Masson,Paul R.

  • Migrant remittance flows : findings from a global survey of central banks (anglais)

    Drawing on the findings from responses to a survey conducted in 2008-09 from 114 central banks worldwide (of which 33 are in Africa), this paper aims to better understand how central banks and other national...

    Type de document: Publication Numéro du rapport: 53884 Date du document: 26 mars 2010 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Irving,Jacqueline Theresa,Mohapatra,Sanket,Ratha,Dilip Kumar

  • Local sources of financing for infrastructure in Africa : a cross-country analysis (anglais)

    With the exception of South Africa, local financial markets in sub-Saharan Africa remain underdeveloped and small, with a particular dearth of financing with maturity terms commensurate with the medium-...

    Type de document: Document de travail de recherche sur les politiques Numéro du rapport: WPS4878 Date du document: 1 mars 2009 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Irving,Jacqueline Theresa,Manroth,Astrid

  • Recycling of petrodollars in the recent oil price increase (anglais)

    This briefing note summarizes ongoing work that examines how oil export revenues are being recycled in the recent oil price increase (2002-present) as compared with the previous episode in 1979-81. Main...

    Type de document: Bulletin d’information Numéro du rapport: 43272 Date du document: 14 décembre 2006 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Irving,Jacqueline Theresa

  • Global development finance 2006 - the development potential of surging capital flows (Vol. 1 of 3) : Review, analysis, and outlook (anglais)

    Global Development Finance is the World Bank's annual review of global financial conditions facing developing countries. The current volume provides analysis of key trends and prospects, including coverage...

    Type de document: Financement du développement dans le monde - ex-Tableaux de la dette internationale Numéro du rapport: 36280 Date du document: 30 mai 2006 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Dailami,Mansoor,Shaw,William,Burns,Andrew,Dalla,Ismail,Aykut,Dilek,Kim,Eung Ju,Hostland,Douglas,Azarbayejani,Gholam H.,Irving,Jacqueline Theresa,Van Horen,Neeltje,Francis,Johanna L.