Banks and stock markets play distinct roles in helping exporters survive in foreign markets, conditional on the specific financial needs of exported products. Stock markets rather than banks help exporters...
Foreign investors facilitate efficiency-enhancing structural change in the recipient countries. After countries liberalize their stock markets and allow foreign investors to acquire equity stakes in domestic...
This paper identifies the effect of trade policy on market power through new data and a new identification strategy. It uses a large data set containing export values and quantities by product and destination...
Traditional discussions of export performance are typically cast in terms of countries and sectors, which has a comparative advantage, what should be protected, and so on. Yet, neither countries nor sectors...
While other emerging regions were thriving, MENA's aggregate export performance over the past two decades has been consistently weak. Using detailed firm-level export data from Customs administrations...
While other emerging regions were thriving, MENA's aggregate export performance over the past two decades has been consistently weak. Using detailed firm-level export data from Customs administrations...
While other emerging regions were thriving, MENA's aggregate export performance over the past two decades has been consistently weak. Using detailed firm-level export data from Customs administrations...
This paper studies the determinants of pricing-to-market at the firm-level, with a particular focus on the roles of firm-specific and policy-induced market power. The authors use a large dataset containing...
The authors show that exported products exit the US market sooner if they violate the Heckscher-Ohlin notion of comparative advantage. Crucially, this pattern is stronger when exporting country has a well-developed...
This paper investigates the link between export survival of agri-food products and financial development. It tests the hypothesis that financial development differentially affects the survival of exports...
This paper investigates whether the Pesticides Initiative Program has significantly affected the export performance of Senegal' shorticulture industry. The authors apply two main microeconometric techniques...