This report examines the economic and development consequences of antimicrobial resistance(AMR)—the capacity that disease-causing microorganisms acquire to resist the drugs we've createdto fight them...
This report examines the economic and development consequences of antimicrobial resistance(AMR)—the capacity that disease-causing microorganisms acquire to resist the drugs we've createdto fight them...
This report reviews some of the accomplishments of the Global Program for Avian Influenza Control and Human Pandemic Preparedness and Response (GPAI). This multisectoral program comprised 72 projects in...
Sound technical knowledge is important. To deliver outcomes for citizens one need to combine that technical expertise with on the ground delivery know-how. Relentlessly focusing on the outcomes, deliberately...
Avian and human flu raises the specter of a global pandemic that can kill hundreds of millions, make billions ill, and cost trillions of dollars. Uncoordinated actions in response to a future outbreak...
Strengthening public health, that is, improving the health of whole populations through action across all relevant sectors is at the heart of the World Bank's mission. This policy note takes stock of the...
The International Ministerial Conference on Animal and Pandemic Influenza (IMCAPI), held in Hanoi in April 2010 was the seventh in a series of such meetings. All of these conferences represent international...
The United Nations System Influenza Coordinator (UNSIC) and the World Bank agreed to produce this a fourth global progress report on responses to avian influenza and state of pandemic readiness in response...
Le Système de coordination de la grippe des Nations Unies (UNSIC) et la Banque mondiale ont décidé d’établir ce quatrième rapport d’avancement mondial sur les réactions à la grippe aviaire et l’état de...
The United Nations System Influenza Coordinator (UNSIC) and the World Bank agreed to produce this a fourth global progress report on responses to avian influenza and state of pandemic readiness in response...
The United Nations System Influenza Coordinator (UNSIC) and the World Bank agreed to produce this a fourth global progress report on responses to avian influenza and state of pandemic readiness in response...
The United Nations System Influenza Coordinator (UNSIC) and the World Bank agreed to produce this a fourth global progress report on responses to avian influenza and state of pandemic readiness in response...
The United Nations System Influenza Coordinator (UNSIC) and the World Bank agreed to produce this a fourth global progress report on responses to avian influenza and state of pandemic readiness in response...
The United Nations System Influenza Coordinator (UNSIC) and the World Bank agreed to produce this a fourth global progress report on responses to avian influenza and state of pandemic readiness in response...
This report presents evidence on the progress made by national authorities and other agents over the past six months. Globally in the animal health sector, there have been some significant enhancements...
This report presents evidence on the progress made by national authorities and other agents over the past six months. Globally in the animal health sector, there have been some significant enhancements...
International Development Association (IDA) objective is to reduce poverty in low-income countries. To this end, IDA supports investments in human capital and for investment projects infrastructure as...
The International Development Association (IDA), the World Bank Group's concessional lending window, provides long-term loans at zero interest to the poorest of the developing countries. This report reviews...