Economic growth in the MENA region is forecast to improve modestly, reaching an average of 2.6 percent in 2019-2020. Oil exporters will significantly benefit from higher oil prices and external oil demand...
Economic growth in the MENA region is forecast to improve modestly, reaching an average of 2.6 percent in 2019-2020. Oil exporters will significantly benefit from higher oil prices and external oil demand...
The number of Small-to-Medium enterprises (SMEs) in Kuwait is high, particularly in retail and non-financial services, but their overall contribution to the economy is marginal. The World Bank is focusing...
The Palestinian Authority (PA) continues to experience a severe fiscal crisis, which threatens to become protracted given recent and projected declines in donor assistance. The PA is making a concerted...
The World Bank has well over 100 projects involving private participation in infrastructure (PPI) in its pipeline, the IFC has participated in 100 more PPI projects, and MIGA provides guarantees in support...
The World Bank operations over the past seven years have included substantial activities in support of private participation in infrastructure (PPI). The author shows that, in keeping with its mandate...