Social protection is a critical policy instrument in Sierra Leone to address the multiple risks and vulnerabilities faced by citizens. Through the Medium-term National Development Plan for 2019-2023, the...
At the request of the Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL), the World Bank is undertaking a programmatic Public Expenditure Review (PER) to analyze fiscal policy quality and provide policy advice to the GoSL...
Sierra Leone is a low-income, small West African country of approximately 7.65 million population. Over the past decade, the country has made gains on several health indicators, but it faces huge challenges...
This Fiscal and Debt Sustainability Note, the first module of a programmatic multisectoral Public Expenditure Review (PER), reviews the recent macro-fiscal challenges, analyzes their causes and consequences...
The global economy is projected to grow 6 percent in 2021, stronger than had previously been expected, reflecting fiscal support in advanced economies, especially the US, and faster rollout of vaccines...
The overall objective of the Public Expenditure Review (PER) for primary and secondary education is to assess the quality and efficiency of public spending on education in order to recommend measures to...
Sierra Leone, like many countries in the world, is now facing the dire human and economic impacts of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic. Prior to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) crisis, Sierra Leone was one...
Thanks to advantageous geography, Sierra Leone has abundant natural resources but yet has not been able to deliver more and better jobs for its fast-growing population. Located on the southwest coast of...
Sierra Leone’s macroeconomic performance continued to improve but at a slower pace. Macroeconomic imbalances are also of great concern despite recent improvements in the balance sheet of the central government...
After a sharp fall in 2017, economic growth in MENA is projected to rebound to 3.1 percent in 2018, thanks to the positive global outlook, oil prices stabilizing at relatively higher levels, stabilization...
Progress in child mortality reduction and education attainment varies widely among oil-rich countries. This paper investigates the causes of this variation using an empirical model that departs from the...
What are the common characteristics among radicalized individuals, willing to justify attacks targeting civilians? Drawing on information on attitudes toward extreme violence and other characteristics...
This paper reviews the experience of the Middle East and North Africa region in education attainment over the past four decades (1970-2010). It documents the following main findings: (a) all countries...
The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) data book serves as a quick reference and a reliable dataset for monitoring economic and social developments in the region. The data are drawn from the 2014 World...
Although child mortality rates have declined all across the developing world over the past 40 years, they have declined the most in the Middle East and North Africa region. This paper documents this remarkable...