Air quality in Poland is under considerably national and international scrutiny. Residential buildings, and among them single-family buildings (SFBs), represent one of the largest contributors to ambient...
Type de document: Rapport
Numéro du rapport: 156315
Date du document: 7 décembre 2020
Mode de publication: Disclosed
Auteur: Franco Salazar,Janina Andrea,Badiani-Magnusson,Reena C,Lukas,Aditya Alexander,Singh,Jas,Boratynska,Agnieszka,Kochan,Filip Piotr,Gula,Andrzej,Kotanska, Malgorzata,Smola,Michal,Swianiewicz,Pawel,Dominczak,Agnieszka Chlon,Solarz,Katarzyna,Hetmanski,Michal