This paper tests the effectiveness of an entertainment education television series, MTV Shuga, aimed at providing information and changing attitudes and behaviors related to HIV/AIDS. Using a simple model...
The authors study attitudes towards domestic violence in a sample of young women and men exposed to the edutainment TV series MTV Shuga 3, which features a sub-plot on this theme, and in a sample that...
The authors study the role of traditional norms in land allocation and human capital investment. The authors exploit a policy experiment in Ghana that increased the land that children from matrilineal...
Given that Rwanda is one of the most densely populated countries on the planet, pressure on land has long been considered as a serious hindrance to its development, and -by some scholars- even as one of...
Land markets play a limited role in subsistence economies with low skill-intensity of agricultural cultivation, equally distributed land endowments and little movement out of agriculture to join the non-farm...
Administrative exchange allocation has been common in developing countries, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. Steps to dismantle or modify these control mechanisms have been carried out through traditional...