A well-functioning and inclusive financial sector is critical for efficient resource allocation leading to increased productivity, greater investment, higher overall levels of economic growth, and lower...
A well-functioning and inclusive financial sector is critical for efficient resource allocation leading to increased productivity, greater investment, higher overall levels of economic growth, and lower...
Digital financial inclusion can be a game changer for unserved and under-served low-income households as well as micro- and small enterprises. The regulatory, supervisory, and standard setting challenges...
In markets with high levels of financial exclusion, actors in the financial system, financial service providers (FSPs), consumers, providers of financial system infrastructure and other market supporting...
In markets with high levels of financial exclusion, actors in the financial system, financial service providers (FSPs), consumers, providers of financial system infrastructure and other market supporting...
In markets with high levels of financial exclusion, actors in the financial system, financial service providers (FSPs), consumers, providers of financial system infrastructure and other market supporting...
The new microfinance handbook provides a primer on financial services for the poor. It is written for a wide audience, including practitioners, facilitators, policy makers, regulators, investors, and donors...
This Guide updates the Consultative Group to Assist the Poorest (CGAP)'s 2003 Guiding Principles on Regulation and Supervision of Microfinance. This Guide addresses the regulatory and supervisory issues...
More and more nonprofit microfinance institutions (NGO MFIs) are transforming into for profit companies, including regulated financial institutions. Transformations are typically driven by one or more...